
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finding Rest...

Rest. What exactly is it? Well, according to one definition of Webster's Dictionary it means "peace of mind or spirit". So to be honest I can certainly testify that I have definitely not "rested" in these past few weeks. It almost feels like my mind is a pinball table, always shooting with different thoughts and what ifs.

My roommate finally challenged me on this and I realized that in my heart I was being a Martha instead of Mary (Luke 10: 38-42).  I have forgotten to sit at Jesus' feet and know that my greatest joy and strength in life is to truly rest in His presence.  So as the week has gone by I purchased a CD by Misty Edwards, and this song spoke right to my heart.  He has everything already planned out for me and all I have to do is wait and rest in Him.


Like a rushing river am I

Like a raging torrent inside

I find that I'm full of knowing nothing

I find that I hunger for the fullness of Christ

Like a rushing river am I

Like a raging torrent inside

I find that I"m free-falling again

I'm letting go of the mountain view

Letting go, but what into?

I've been crucified with Christ

I've been crucified with Christ

I've been crucified with Christ

Yet not I, but one thing I know

You make all things beautiful

You make all things beautiful

You make all things beautiful

Just in time

Just in time

So into Your hands

Into Your hands I fall

Into Your hands

Into Your hands I fall

Into Your hands

So into Your hands I fall

On You I wait

On You I wait

On You I wait

All of my days

And on You I wait

On You I wait always

On You I wait

All of my days

All of my days

No one who waits on You will ever be ashamed

No one who waits will ever be disappointed

It's just a matter of time

It's just a matter of time

So calm down, my soul

Calm down and know

So calm down, my soul

Calm down and know

His yoke is easy

His burden is light

It simply costs everything

But it's not too mysterious

It's not for the wise in their own eyes

It's not for the mighty of the rich

But He has saved Himself for me

But He has saved Himself for me

So calm down, my soul

Just calm down and know

Just calm down, my soul

Just calm down and know

Monday, September 26, 2011

Byward and Beyond...

So I finally have a few spare moments to actually sit down and write. How do I process and write about 2 weeks worth of information and adventures into a few short sentences? While there is so much to tell and so much to write about, I think I will just stick to the basics so I don't bore you. :)  

Last week was jammed packed between a mix of going to question period, Parliament re-opening and joining a group from Langley BC activities.  But in between the chaoticness of the house, we were able to get in some few teachings and down time.  

I think my favourite part of having some time off, is that I get to head down York Street and into the Byward Market area and beyond. I am in love with the people, the sights, the sounds. I love the smell of fresh veggies and garlic wafting from the stands and listening to the sellers bargain with their buyers. The colours of fall are starting to peak through the changing leaves and many of the stands are selling pumkins and gourds. However, what I love most is the melodic and majestic sound of the peace tower clock and how it rings throughout all of the downtown area. I already know I will be spending lots of time here.

We are finally getting into a rhythm and a routine here at the house. It has been a great blessing with the fact that all of us interns mesh so well together and can share our hearts and emotions so openly. The stretching process has already begun both spirtually and emotionally (and sometimes physically) but I read somewhere once that "If you are being stretched in this season your like a rock in a sling shot. Just embrace it". So, I am learning to embrace this stretching process as well as learning to live each moment boldly and to the fullest.

Well, I am off to help with dinner, but I will write in my intern section, hopefully later tonight.

East Block during sunrise

We have come to that day where you come down dressed
in the same coloured shirts.

Parliament at sunrise during my 6:30 am walks

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Into The Swing of Things...

Wow! Okay, let me just catch my breath for a quick second. I don't think our team has stopped moving since we have arrived last Friday. However, it has been a great few days so far! This past week has included a lot of teaching and a lot of walking. I don't think we have been on any walk shorter than two hours. Though, it has been a blessing considering the AMAZING food we eat here. Seriously, if we didn't walk so much I swear we all would be 20 pounds heavier by the end of these 3 months.

We also had a a group of people from the EFC (evangelical fellowship of Canada, here for the past few days, so needless to say the house has been very full and very busy. On Monday we had orientation, which included a how-to lesson on how to fold a fitted sheet. I am picking up some great future home-making skills here! Haha. We also did a prayer walk up and around the Parliament grounds and down to the main office building of the EFC (where I may be 'interning').

Today and Tuesday, have been filled with lots of teaching, ranging from "why we need to be bold' to "praying for government". While it has been a lot of information it has been good. Thankfully they give us a good chunk of time to process everything.  We were able to have some down time this afternoon, and a bunch of us headed up to the Rideu Center where we did a little window shopping.

Well, that's it for now and I am off to go take those pictures I promised now that I have some spare time :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

For Such a Time As This...

So I have finally arrived safe and sound in my "home away from home" Ottawa. It's funny because I told my mom before I left that it feels like I am leaving home to go home. Wierd,  I know.  Thankfully there were no crazy mishaps this time and I actually got off the plane on time.

Once I reached the National House of Prayer, I was able to meet all the other interns. There are 6 other lovely ladies, all ranging from ages 18-30 and I am excited to get to know them all. The one guy who applied for the program had to drop out. I am also rooming with two other women, and in my opinion we have the best room (we have a sink!). Haha.

Once we all ate dinner, we had a quick meeting to introduce ourselves, play a few games to "break the ice" and learn the history of NHOP. Even just listening to what we are going to be doing over the next few months and how NHOP came to be, it has gotten me so excited for this journey that I am on. Even as we were praying I knew God has placed me here for such a time as this. 

I am excited to grow and learn, to push myself beyond my limits, build relationships and live this adventure and this journey to the fullest. I know it's gonna be good and I won't be the same when I return home.

However, I should finish unpacking and getting settled into my room. I'll post pictures soon! I promise :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This song has been on repeat for the last few days on my I-pod so I thought I would share it with you.

He's awakening the hope in me
By calling forth my destiny

He's breathing life
Into my soul
I will thirst for
Him and Him alone

He has come like the rain
That showers on the barren plain

So my heart and tongue confess
Jesus, Christ the Hope of man

My hope is in you, God
I am steadfast
I will not be moved

I'm anchored, never shaken
All my hope is in You

He's bringing hope to the hopeless
And giving His heart to the broken

And sharing His home with the orphan
He is the joy, He is my joy
He is the hope of the nations
The father's heart we're embracing

He is the song we're declaring
He is the joy, He is my joy

Friday, August 19, 2011

"Cause' I See Sparks Fly Whenever You Smile"...

Okay, I know the title is cheezy, but hey, it's Taylor Swift! Last night my best friend and I saw her live in one of the best concerts I have been to so far. We had floor seats and were even able to stand right in front of the stage for about an hour until one of the security guards told us we had to go back to our chairs ;). 

 Even though she is a great singer who keeps her lyrics wholesome and relatable , she is also wonderful performer. Every song she sang had it's own story and presentation and the amount of detail she put into each of her acts was incredible. All the way from dancing ballerinas and floating staircases for her song "Enchanted"(which was my favourite performance by far) to falling "snow" and lit up trees for her song "Back to December. Her whole performance had a very magical and fairytale-esque feel which I loved. Each little detail made the concert that more special.
So needless to say my best friend and I had a great time last night and ended up belting "Sparks Fly" all the way home from the concert! The only thing I regret was not charging my phone before the concert or making sure my camera had a mermory card! Oh well. I don't think I will be able to forget this concert for a LONG time.

Taylor Swift's Stage. Everything
had a 1940's vintage feel.
Waiting for the concert to start
The one poor shot I got of Taylor
before my phone died.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Week One of the "No Shampoo" Experiment...

So, unfortunately week one of my no shampoo experiment pretty much failed....well, I guess it didn't completely fail, but still...

Day One: 
 I washed my hair with baking soda and rinsed it with apple cider vinegar. When I blow-dried my hair I was actually amazed at how clean it felt and how shiny it was. Mind you, it was a tad bit greasy but that is to be expected. So overall I was impressed after my first time of going "no shampoo".

Day Two:
Didn't shower that day. Was really impressed at how non-greasy my hair was. Still clean and manageable but I pulled it into a ponytail anyways to keep it out of my face.

Day Three:
Once again, I washed my hair with baking soda and rinsed with ACV. Still really impressed at how clean my hair was. However,  I accidentally used a little too much ACV and my hair had a slight smell to it, but that was easily fixed with a little bit of body spray ;)  I also noticed that my hair started going through the "transition" phase. While it was clean, you could tell it was slightly oily near the roots.

Day Four:
Okay this is where I failed...I was in such a rush that morning and I didn't have time to whip up some baking soda wash so I cheated and used shampoo...I know, I know. Terrible.  Funny thing was, when I stopped in at Lush that day to find a facial mask (my favourite is their cupcake mask! Works wonders!) the lady complimented me on how great my hair looked after going "no shampoo". I had to confess to her that I cheated that day and I used shampoo. Oops. She was pretty understanding though.

Day Five:
Didn't Shower. Although I was really surprised at how oily my hair was. With the baking soda wash my hair the next day still looked fresh, while today it looked and felt dirty.

Day Six:
Once again, I cheated and used shampoo. I really need to stick with the program!

Day Seven: 
I didn't wash my hair today. Although, I have concluded that when I use shampoo my hair gets oilier faster. It's really odd. So once I return from holidays, I am going back to my "no shampoo" experiment. I loved the results the two times I have used it and I am excited to see what my hair will be like when I no longer use shampoo at all. Maybe this time I can last longer than two days without using shampoo ;)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Are We Willing to Be Traders?...

One of my friends posted this video on her facebook page and I thought I would share it with you...

As I was watching this video, it really challenged me personally to think about whether or not I am willing to be a "trader" stand up for my faith, for injustice.
 To take every opporutinity I have in life to praise my Heavenly Father and witness to those around me through my love and  my actions...

Am I willing to be a trader?
Are you?

Monday, July 25, 2011

The "No Shampoo" Experiment...

Okay, as someone who is always trying to find more natural sources for body and hair products, when I first heard about going "shampoo free" I have to admit it grossed me out just a little bit.  Actually... it grosses me out a lot. All I can think of is that I will end up with greasy, limp hair that needs to be pulled back into a pony tail. However,  as I continue to search through different websites and blogs, there seems to be enough positive feed back to actually try and go shampoo free.

So, why go shampoo free?
1) Shampoo is a detergent. While it does a great job at cleaning your hair, it also strips it of all the healthy oils that can protect your hair. This can cause your hair to over produce oil.
2) Shampoo is chock-full of chemicals that are bad for your hair and skin.
3) Shampoo can become an expensive and unnecessary cost.

Recipe for "Shampoo Free" Hair Wash:
Need: 1 TBLSP of Baking Soda
1 Cup of Water

Combine the baking soda and water together in a squeeze bottle (an old shampoo bottle will do) and shake until dissolved. When washing your hair, first wet your hair completely. Next, pour the baking soda mix over your hair starting at your crown and massaging it into your scalp as you go. You will not need to use the whole mix. Rinse  out.

Recipe for "Shampoo Free" Conditioner:
Need: 1 TBLSP of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Cup of Water

Combine ACV and water in another squeeze bottle container.
Use this mix sparingly as it can cause your hair to become greasy. Most people just pour it on the ends of their hair and rinse out. Even though ACV has a harsh smell it will not stay in your hair.

Now from what I have read, there is about a 2 week to a few months transition period for your hair. In the mean time the hair might be a little greasy. I am hoping I can stick with this experiment long enough to see some results.

Hopefully it works! And here I go!

Here are some great resources that I have read that have convinced me to try this no shampoo experiment.  I would highly encourage you to read them :): 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ask Me Why I Hurt...

I know what you may be thinking as you read the title of this blog post...but no. I am not the one hurting. This title is actually from a book I recently read called "Ask Me Why I Hurt: The Kids Nobody Wants and The Doctor Who Heals Them". This post may be a little long, so bear with me. 

This book is about Randy Christiensen, a doctor  "who has dedicated his life to caring for society's throwaway kids—the often-abused, unloved children who live on the streets without access to proper health care, all the while fending off constant threats from thugs, gangs, pimps, and other predators. With the Winnebago as his moveable medical center, Christensen and his team travel around the outskirts of Phoenix, attending to the children and teens who need him most" (Random House).

Let me first say that this book has changed my perspective on homelessness and has given me a deeper insight into the lives of children and teens that so desperately just need somebody to love them. It has shattered all my "romantic" notions of swooping in and saving the lives of broken teenagers and has instead replaced it with the raw and real understanding that these children come with baggage, hurt and pain all surrounded with protective walls that no adult could ever break down on their own. As Dr. Christiensen writes in his book "these kids had built fortresses around their hearts. They were not about to share with me secrets that they had never told anyone...Mary was so shut down that I wasn't sure if anyone could reach her".

Ever since I have returned from Guatemala, I have known that God has put it in my heart to help the invisible children that our socitey tends to ignore. I have read books like "Freedom Writers" by Erin Gruwell  and  "The Water is Wide" by Pat Conroy, all inspirational stories of people changing the lives of the children around them. But never once did I ever consider the hardships and trials that these people faced.

One quote that impacted me the most in this book was when Dr. Christiensen was being introduced to a new patient on his bus:

"In that crystalline moment, my eyes dropped to Mary's wrist. It was very thin and white, and I cold see the tender knob of the ulna bone. The bracelet, made of large letter beades strung together into a sentance, was large and conspicious. I read the beads she had strung together. It took me a moment to absorb what they said: ASK ME WHY I HURT. For a moment I was so caught off guard I thought my heart had stopped. My breath caught. I wanted to ask her what painful memories had left their mark so deep that she needed to wear this plea around her wrist. But she suddenly turned to me with a look as if to say, "Don't ask. Not yet""....

When I read this passage an overwhelming feeling washed over me. These are the children I want to help, these are the children that I want to see come from terrible backgrounds and rise up to the person they were created to be. These are the teens that have been placed in my heart. But how could I ever help them? I can't relate to their stories, their pain. But as I have read from "Ask Me Why I Hurt" and re-reading other books, is that these children don't need "rescuing". I have seen that they don't need somebody who is fake, or false to who they are. What they do need is an adult who they can trust, who they can come to and know that they are SAFE and who can be a support sytem when they don't have one. 

As mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daugherts, sons, ect. we need to take the time and effort to help the invisible of our nations. To be a voice for the voiceless. 

As Dr. Christiensen writes "children were the same everywhere, I thought...In many ways children across our country...were living in conditions similar to those in an underdeveloped nation. Society didn't want to admit that, but it was true. We are such a rich country I thought, with so many caring people. It hurts me to think that we let this happen...I still believed we all shared the responsiblity for taking care of our children"

Friday, July 15, 2011

How I love Rain...

Okay, so by now most people here are sick of the rain. But to be honest, I absolutely love the rain. There is just something about the rain that brings a sense of newness, stillness and peace.  

Here are some reasons why I love the rain:
1. I love the sound of rain. Especially when I lived in the country and you could hear the quiet splashing of the rain in our nearby pond.
2. I love the sweet and refreshing smell that rain brings. Everything smells so new and clean.
3. I love the cozy, warm feeling that a rainy day can have. On a rainy day it seems like the perfect opportunity to curl up with a good book, a hot cup of tea, a fuzzy blanket and an overstuffed couch and read to my heart's content.
4. Puddle jumping. Enough said.
5. Dancing in the rain. When there is a good downpour there is nothing more freeing or fun for that matter, then racing outside in bare feet and jumping and skipping through the rain.
6. Everything is so lush and green after the rain stops. Rain brings new life.
7. The thunder and lightning that a rain storm can bring. There is nothing better than sitting in the living room and getting front row seats to the best light and sound show ever.

Trust me, I love my sunny days too. But to me there is nothing better than a rainy day.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wondering what's around the corner ...

So, needless to say I have neglected my blog since I have been home. Ottawa and Quebec City were both fantastic trips and I enjoyed both immensely. Especially since in Quebec I was able to cross off "see Cirque Du Soleil live" off my bucket list. Wow. They were beyond incredible. There are no words to describe how creatively wonderful these performers are.

However, since I have been home I have been day dreaming what exactly is in store for me over the next few years. Or, more like seriously contemplating about what is going to happen with my life. Ever since I was in Grade 11  I have had the next 10 years of my life planned out. First, I was going to university for 5 years to get my Bachelor of Arts with an after degree in Education. Then, after completing my  both my degrees, I wanted to take a few years off to work and travel with the plan of eventually moving down to central America to teach the precious children of Guatemala....haha. Ya. So much for that plan.

Since the very short 3 years I have graduated high school, I have realized that the plans I have for my life are not necessarily the plans that God has for my life. He has turned my "5 year plan" upside down and is leading me down a path that I didn't know existed. And for that, I am grateful. One of my favourite quotes is by worship artist Jason Upton who sings:

 "To you I give my life, not just the parts I want to
to you I sacrifice these dreams that I hold on to
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice
Here's my life"

While it is scary to surrender and to live with my arms wide open, I am slowly (very slowly) beginning to take these words to heart, knowing that while God gave me my hopes, dreams and desires, I have to surrender them all back to Him knowing that He has something far greater planned out for me than I could ever imagine.

So as I go into this next chapter of my life by doing an internship in Ottawa and jumping feet first out of my comfort zone, I know that He has created this amazing adventure for me. When I choose to surrender and follow His voice, His footsteps, I know He is going to use me in ways I could have never even plotted out in my "five year plan".

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Exploring Canada's Capital...

Well, my sister and I finally made it to Ottawa! While we had a smooth and hassle free flight, once we landed we were told by the pilot that the runway had been put on red alert (due to a thunderstorm) and we were not aloud to leave the plane. For the first 45 minutes my sister and I thought of it as an adventure and tried to make the best of the situation. So we sat there with our i-pods and a few good books and began to wait it out, thinking that we would be aloud to get off the plane at any moment. However, to our dismay we were stuck on the plane for 3 HOURS. Long after our books and I-pods had become rather uninteresting, we did anything to keep ourselves occupied. From braiding each other's hair to playing "peek-a-boo" with a three year old child who was sitting in front of us. Needless to say it was a long and tedious wait but we finally made it to NHOP safe and sound.

Despite the rather interesting start to our trip, my sister and I had the best time roaming around Canada's capital and exploring downtown Ottawa! We began our exploration by walking down York street and heading up to Parliament Hill. We finally were able to make it to the peace tower after 3 times of being in Ottawa! After walking through the tower and memorial site we walked around the Parliament grounds taking pictures and enjoying the view of the Rideau Canal.

Shortly after we wrapped up our time at the hill, my sister and I left no stone unturned as we made our way up Sussex and eventually found ourselves at Chapters where I picked up a great new read called " Ask Me Why I Hurt". It is an eye opening account of a doctor who created a travelling medical bus to help the forgotten and broken homeless teens of Arizona. It is such a good book and I am already half way through!

 After we took a quick break at Starbucks we walked across the street to the Rideau shopping centre and eventually made our way to Byward Market (the best market I have been to in my opinion). It was full of all sorts of wonderful smells and explosions of colour!  

We literally turned Byward market inside out as we made our way though all the local shops and vendors. My sister and I then stopped for an amazing lunch at a local Indian restaurant where we had the best chicken curry and naan bread. Seriously. It was so good. Soon after we finished eating we continued walking through the streets of Byward market, where we came across Beaver Tails. Now, if you have no idea what a beaver tail is, then you are missing out. Basically, it is a Canadian delicacy which consists of a long piece of fried dough, powered in Cinnamon and sugar and smothered with any topping you like. In this case, my sister and I had maple butter and chocolate syrup. Delicious!!

By this time it began to rain so we ducked into a little tea place called "the tea shop". Simple name, but excellent tea! There we met up with a friend who moved out to Ottawa and enjoyed her company and conversation. However, I think the tea made us feel a little worn out so after we were done talking, my sister and I headed back to NHOP and crashed for the next couple hours.

I loved being able to share this time with my sister and enjoy the wonders of Ottawa with her. I am excited for the campers to finally get here tomorrow and to see what the rest of the week holds!!

The gourgous flowers of Byward I love earl grey tea!
      A view of the Parliament grounds and Rideau Canal
           The infamous "Women are Persons" Monument
                 Enjoying an Indian lunch down Byward.
                            Her very first beaver tail! Yum!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


So today was my last day of working as an educational assistant. While I am excited to go to Ottawa and move on to new things over this next year, it is a bittersweet experience saying goodbye to my grade 7 kids. Even though I was only with them for a short period of time, they made an impact on my life and have helped seal my desire of wanting to work with kids.

During the short time I was with them, I was able to start building relationships and trust between all the students. I  had so much fun being able to take my "science posse" (as they called themselves) to the library to help them learn and study for science (or any other subject they needed help with). I also loved working with a particular student who had tourettes. While it was definitely a learning experience and sometimes trying, it helped me to see that children all learn differently and with some help and guidance they can flourish. I noticed that he had an amazing imagination and talent for drawing and being able to learn how incorporate that into his subjects was a great experience.

 Some of my favourite times was when I could work with the grade 3 students. Your self esteem is never low when you are around younger kids. With compliments such as " Miss Smith you look really pretty today, especially with that big smile on your face!" or " Your clothes are always so pretty Miss Smith!" my self esteem never suffered when I was with them.  It was the best when I would walk down the school hallway and I would have both older and younger kids saying "Hello Miss Smith" or " Good morning Miss Smith how has your morning been?". But I think the best part throughout my whole (very short) time as an E.A. was when I was able to help 3 girls in my grade seven class with some personal problems involving bullying and other matters. It was then I realized that this is where I am supposed to be. This is what I was created for. While it was only a small glimpse of what I want to do, I realized that God has given me a passion to help kids for a reason. Even though I am not sure what exactly that is going to look like, whether I will be a teacher, a social worker or even a counselor, I know at that moment something solidified in my heart that I am on the right path.  

So, as I was saying goodbye yesterday and this morning I was giving them all personal cards and treat bags thanking them for letting me be apart of their class, when out of the blue all the grade 7 girls came up and gave me big hugs and told me they would pray for me as I go to Ottawa next year and that they wished I could come back next year. At this point, if you know me, it was a little hard to keep it together :) But then one of the students made me burst out laughing because they said " Ya, I wish you could come back too Miss Smith. Mainly because you are young and not old. You are more apart of our generation than the old generation. That means you can relate to us better". Oh those kids made me laugh everyday. They truly do say the funniest things.

Despite the fact that I am sad that I am leaving these kids, I know God has something bigger and greater planned and I am excited to see what it is going to look like!

The "welcome to the classroom" card the kids made me
 A gift a student gave me this morning
its a Willow Tree Figurine called "love of learning"

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Countdown is On...

Wow...I think this is the first time I have actually sat down today. This week has been so busy that I don't even think I have had time to think.  I am currently getting ready to go on a two week trip to Ottawa and Quebec city. I am so excited! Only 2 more days until I will be up in the air, flying like bird, to one of my favourite cities.

My first week I will be in Ottawa, being a camp leader for a program called "Camp Fire" that is organized by the National House of Prayer ( I am so excited to be going down with my younger sister and sharing this incredible experience with her. While we are down in Ottawa we will not only be experiencing Canada's capital through the Parliament buildings and behind the scenes tours, we will also have the chance to pray for our government, grow and learn through teaching times and work with the local neighbourhoods. We will also have the chance to go on an amazing zip lining tour through the Gatineu forest and best of all experience Canada Day in the nation's capital. I had a life changing experience last year and I know it is going to be the same for my sister.

During the second week my family and I will be traveling to Quebec City for a little R&R. I am looking forward to being in Old Quebec City once again! One of my favourite memories that I can remember from when we went down when I was 15, is waking up in the morning to the smell of fresh croissants and hearing the clip clop of horse's hooves on the cobblestone roads. I love the whole atmosphere of Old Quebec...I love the little boutique shops and old buildings. The history is just so rich and wonderful! You can just imagine the things that took place as you walk through the pathways of the old city.

But for now I am enjoying the process of packing and anticipating the adventure. Hopefully I will be able to blog a little bit while I am away!

My picture with the Queen on Canada Day (she is on the screen)! 
 Parliament buildings

Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Time Blogger

Okay. This is my first time blogging. Ever. But here I go. I am a 20 year old university graduate who is trying to learn how to live with my arms wide open, embracing life to the fullest, learning to love and be loved whole heartedly and be the person that God has created me to be. I have just graduated from my Bachelor of Arts with a plan of eventually going into elementary education. I have a passion for kids and a desire to see children who have been labelled as "invisible" or "unwanted" come into their fullest potential and change the world. One of my favourite books/movies  is the story of Erin Gruwell and her classroom called the "Freedom Writers". What inspires me the most is that this suburban teacher is not only able to connect with the kids in her classroom but she is also able to guide and inspire these children into their fullest potential, reigniting dreams of hope and a future into their hearts.

 I also have a strong desire to travel the world and see everything that I can. I have a list a mile long of all the places I want to see and visit. One of my hopes is to research my family lineage and travel to all the places that my family has come from. Two of which are Spain and the Ukraine.  I also have a zeal for going on adventures, especially road trips. I used to dream when I was little (and still do) of picking a highway and seeing where it takes me. No map, no GPS, just the open road and the pure curiosity as to where I will end up.

 Besides planning future trips, one of my favourite pass times is reading. I love being able to curl up with a good book on a rainy afternoon  (or any afternoon for that matter) and read to my heart's content. My Ikea bookshelf is about ready to burst as its so heavy with books. Two of my absolute favourite books are " The Freedom Writers Diary" and "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn". 

I also have a love for all styles of cooking, baking and quilting. But most of all I love the organic, get back to the basics style of living. My family always jokes that I should move in with an Amish community. This has also influenced my weakness for anything vintage/antique. I plan on living in house one day fully decked out in second hand/antique store finds. I could spend hours walking around in antique stores looking at all the interesting knick knacks and hidden treasures.

 However, my biggest desire in life is to walk hand in hand with my Heavenly Father and to follow His will for my life. I want to follow His voice and live in true abandonment to Him. He has inspired and given me my dreams and passions and I am so excited for the journey He is taking me on!

 Well,  I could write for hours, but I am sure this blog is already long enough. This is a little bit about me and who I am. Now, I just have to learn to keep up with this thing called blogging  :)
                                                                             - A.