
Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Time Blogger

Okay. This is my first time blogging. Ever. But here I go. I am a 20 year old university graduate who is trying to learn how to live with my arms wide open, embracing life to the fullest, learning to love and be loved whole heartedly and be the person that God has created me to be. I have just graduated from my Bachelor of Arts with a plan of eventually going into elementary education. I have a passion for kids and a desire to see children who have been labelled as "invisible" or "unwanted" come into their fullest potential and change the world. One of my favourite books/movies  is the story of Erin Gruwell and her classroom called the "Freedom Writers". What inspires me the most is that this suburban teacher is not only able to connect with the kids in her classroom but she is also able to guide and inspire these children into their fullest potential, reigniting dreams of hope and a future into their hearts.

 I also have a strong desire to travel the world and see everything that I can. I have a list a mile long of all the places I want to see and visit. One of my hopes is to research my family lineage and travel to all the places that my family has come from. Two of which are Spain and the Ukraine.  I also have a zeal for going on adventures, especially road trips. I used to dream when I was little (and still do) of picking a highway and seeing where it takes me. No map, no GPS, just the open road and the pure curiosity as to where I will end up.

 Besides planning future trips, one of my favourite pass times is reading. I love being able to curl up with a good book on a rainy afternoon  (or any afternoon for that matter) and read to my heart's content. My Ikea bookshelf is about ready to burst as its so heavy with books. Two of my absolute favourite books are " The Freedom Writers Diary" and "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn". 

I also have a love for all styles of cooking, baking and quilting. But most of all I love the organic, get back to the basics style of living. My family always jokes that I should move in with an Amish community. This has also influenced my weakness for anything vintage/antique. I plan on living in house one day fully decked out in second hand/antique store finds. I could spend hours walking around in antique stores looking at all the interesting knick knacks and hidden treasures.

 However, my biggest desire in life is to walk hand in hand with my Heavenly Father and to follow His will for my life. I want to follow His voice and live in true abandonment to Him. He has inspired and given me my dreams and passions and I am so excited for the journey He is taking me on!

 Well,  I could write for hours, but I am sure this blog is already long enough. This is a little bit about me and who I am. Now, I just have to learn to keep up with this thing called blogging  :)
                                                                             - A.

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