
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Countdown is On...

Wow...I think this is the first time I have actually sat down today. This week has been so busy that I don't even think I have had time to think.  I am currently getting ready to go on a two week trip to Ottawa and Quebec city. I am so excited! Only 2 more days until I will be up in the air, flying like bird, to one of my favourite cities.

My first week I will be in Ottawa, being a camp leader for a program called "Camp Fire" that is organized by the National House of Prayer ( I am so excited to be going down with my younger sister and sharing this incredible experience with her. While we are down in Ottawa we will not only be experiencing Canada's capital through the Parliament buildings and behind the scenes tours, we will also have the chance to pray for our government, grow and learn through teaching times and work with the local neighbourhoods. We will also have the chance to go on an amazing zip lining tour through the Gatineu forest and best of all experience Canada Day in the nation's capital. I had a life changing experience last year and I know it is going to be the same for my sister.

During the second week my family and I will be traveling to Quebec City for a little R&R. I am looking forward to being in Old Quebec City once again! One of my favourite memories that I can remember from when we went down when I was 15, is waking up in the morning to the smell of fresh croissants and hearing the clip clop of horse's hooves on the cobblestone roads. I love the whole atmosphere of Old Quebec...I love the little boutique shops and old buildings. The history is just so rich and wonderful! You can just imagine the things that took place as you walk through the pathways of the old city.

But for now I am enjoying the process of packing and anticipating the adventure. Hopefully I will be able to blog a little bit while I am away!

My picture with the Queen on Canada Day (she is on the screen)! 
 Parliament buildings

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