
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Into The Swing of Things...

Wow! Okay, let me just catch my breath for a quick second. I don't think our team has stopped moving since we have arrived last Friday. However, it has been a great few days so far! This past week has included a lot of teaching and a lot of walking. I don't think we have been on any walk shorter than two hours. Though, it has been a blessing considering the AMAZING food we eat here. Seriously, if we didn't walk so much I swear we all would be 20 pounds heavier by the end of these 3 months.

We also had a a group of people from the EFC (evangelical fellowship of Canada, here for the past few days, so needless to say the house has been very full and very busy. On Monday we had orientation, which included a how-to lesson on how to fold a fitted sheet. I am picking up some great future home-making skills here! Haha. We also did a prayer walk up and around the Parliament grounds and down to the main office building of the EFC (where I may be 'interning').

Today and Tuesday, have been filled with lots of teaching, ranging from "why we need to be bold' to "praying for government". While it has been a lot of information it has been good. Thankfully they give us a good chunk of time to process everything.  We were able to have some down time this afternoon, and a bunch of us headed up to the Rideu Center where we did a little window shopping.

Well, that's it for now and I am off to go take those pictures I promised now that I have some spare time :)

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs!!! Keep writing as you have a gift and are very articulate. I feel like I am there with you.

    So excited for you... I know I haven't said this like a million times.. but I really am!!!
