
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wondering what's around the corner ...

So, needless to say I have neglected my blog since I have been home. Ottawa and Quebec City were both fantastic trips and I enjoyed both immensely. Especially since in Quebec I was able to cross off "see Cirque Du Soleil live" off my bucket list. Wow. They were beyond incredible. There are no words to describe how creatively wonderful these performers are.

However, since I have been home I have been day dreaming what exactly is in store for me over the next few years. Or, more like seriously contemplating about what is going to happen with my life. Ever since I was in Grade 11  I have had the next 10 years of my life planned out. First, I was going to university for 5 years to get my Bachelor of Arts with an after degree in Education. Then, after completing my  both my degrees, I wanted to take a few years off to work and travel with the plan of eventually moving down to central America to teach the precious children of Guatemala....haha. Ya. So much for that plan.

Since the very short 3 years I have graduated high school, I have realized that the plans I have for my life are not necessarily the plans that God has for my life. He has turned my "5 year plan" upside down and is leading me down a path that I didn't know existed. And for that, I am grateful. One of my favourite quotes is by worship artist Jason Upton who sings:

 "To you I give my life, not just the parts I want to
to you I sacrifice these dreams that I hold on to
Your thoughts are higher than mine
Your words are deeper than mine
Your love is stronger than mine
This is no sacrifice
Here's my life"

While it is scary to surrender and to live with my arms wide open, I am slowly (very slowly) beginning to take these words to heart, knowing that while God gave me my hopes, dreams and desires, I have to surrender them all back to Him knowing that He has something far greater planned out for me than I could ever imagine.

So as I go into this next chapter of my life by doing an internship in Ottawa and jumping feet first out of my comfort zone, I know that He has created this amazing adventure for me. When I choose to surrender and follow His voice, His footsteps, I know He is going to use me in ways I could have never even plotted out in my "five year plan".

1 comment:

  1. I love you. So much. You are such an encouragement to me.

    But is wrong that I still hope He takes us to Greece? ;)
