
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

To be an adventurer...

So these are my thoughts at...12:09 at night when my mind is too busy to blissfully turn off and actually go to sleep. What better way to tire the mind then to blog?!

Recently, I have come across a quote that I absolutely love and adore. I don't know who its by or where it originated but it goes like this. "Oh darling, let's be adventurers". Doesn't that just sound pure and utterly romantic? But all romantic notions aside, what does it actually mean to be adventurous?

 One of my friends recently told me "Aaren, go have an adventure". And that got me thinking...everyone has their own definition of what adventure should be. Does that mean I have to jet set across the world? Or, pack my bags and move away to a foreign country? According to Websters adventurous means "to be disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown". Well then doesn't that mean our entire life is an adventure? Yes, I know it sounds cliche, but really? Every single moment, every single breath of our daily life we are adventuring into the unknown. Whether we are trying to get through the maze of traffic on our way to work, or trying to figure out that mystery meat in our fridge, depending on how we look at life, we are always on an adventure.

Now, don't get me wrong. There is nothing better than packing up your bags, jumping the car and setting off into the great unknown. My heart truly longs for the day where my student budget will allow me to do that or when my Heavenly Father says I can move on from this small city that I live in. But in the mean time I have to see even the mundane and mononteounous parts of my life as an adventure leading me down the road less traveled. Other wise, I think I might go a little stir crazy.

I never want to lose this sense of adventure and I have to remind myself everyday to keep it. To stretch myself out of my comfort zone and delve deep into the unknown.

So, I think instead I might tweak the quote a bit:
"darling, we are already adventurers! Let's adventure together. Show me what adventure means to you".

Good night :)

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