
Monday, September 26, 2011

Byward and Beyond...

So I finally have a few spare moments to actually sit down and write. How do I process and write about 2 weeks worth of information and adventures into a few short sentences? While there is so much to tell and so much to write about, I think I will just stick to the basics so I don't bore you. :)  

Last week was jammed packed between a mix of going to question period, Parliament re-opening and joining a group from Langley BC activities.  But in between the chaoticness of the house, we were able to get in some few teachings and down time.  

I think my favourite part of having some time off, is that I get to head down York Street and into the Byward Market area and beyond. I am in love with the people, the sights, the sounds. I love the smell of fresh veggies and garlic wafting from the stands and listening to the sellers bargain with their buyers. The colours of fall are starting to peak through the changing leaves and many of the stands are selling pumkins and gourds. However, what I love most is the melodic and majestic sound of the peace tower clock and how it rings throughout all of the downtown area. I already know I will be spending lots of time here.

We are finally getting into a rhythm and a routine here at the house. It has been a great blessing with the fact that all of us interns mesh so well together and can share our hearts and emotions so openly. The stretching process has already begun both spirtually and emotionally (and sometimes physically) but I read somewhere once that "If you are being stretched in this season your like a rock in a sling shot. Just embrace it". So, I am learning to embrace this stretching process as well as learning to live each moment boldly and to the fullest.

Well, I am off to help with dinner, but I will write in my intern section, hopefully later tonight.

East Block during sunrise

We have come to that day where you come down dressed
in the same coloured shirts.

Parliament at sunrise during my 6:30 am walks

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Into The Swing of Things...

Wow! Okay, let me just catch my breath for a quick second. I don't think our team has stopped moving since we have arrived last Friday. However, it has been a great few days so far! This past week has included a lot of teaching and a lot of walking. I don't think we have been on any walk shorter than two hours. Though, it has been a blessing considering the AMAZING food we eat here. Seriously, if we didn't walk so much I swear we all would be 20 pounds heavier by the end of these 3 months.

We also had a a group of people from the EFC (evangelical fellowship of Canada, here for the past few days, so needless to say the house has been very full and very busy. On Monday we had orientation, which included a how-to lesson on how to fold a fitted sheet. I am picking up some great future home-making skills here! Haha. We also did a prayer walk up and around the Parliament grounds and down to the main office building of the EFC (where I may be 'interning').

Today and Tuesday, have been filled with lots of teaching, ranging from "why we need to be bold' to "praying for government". While it has been a lot of information it has been good. Thankfully they give us a good chunk of time to process everything.  We were able to have some down time this afternoon, and a bunch of us headed up to the Rideu Center where we did a little window shopping.

Well, that's it for now and I am off to go take those pictures I promised now that I have some spare time :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

For Such a Time As This...

So I have finally arrived safe and sound in my "home away from home" Ottawa. It's funny because I told my mom before I left that it feels like I am leaving home to go home. Wierd,  I know.  Thankfully there were no crazy mishaps this time and I actually got off the plane on time.

Once I reached the National House of Prayer, I was able to meet all the other interns. There are 6 other lovely ladies, all ranging from ages 18-30 and I am excited to get to know them all. The one guy who applied for the program had to drop out. I am also rooming with two other women, and in my opinion we have the best room (we have a sink!). Haha.

Once we all ate dinner, we had a quick meeting to introduce ourselves, play a few games to "break the ice" and learn the history of NHOP. Even just listening to what we are going to be doing over the next few months and how NHOP came to be, it has gotten me so excited for this journey that I am on. Even as we were praying I knew God has placed me here for such a time as this. 

I am excited to grow and learn, to push myself beyond my limits, build relationships and live this adventure and this journey to the fullest. I know it's gonna be good and I won't be the same when I return home.

However, I should finish unpacking and getting settled into my room. I'll post pictures soon! I promise :)