
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Waiting, waiting...and oh wait. More waiting.

So these past two months since I have been home have been a time guessed it. Waiting. Let me tell you I am NOT a waiter. Sure, I can wait if I know the plan. If I know what I am waiting for. But I don't. I guess most people can relate to this , but I feel most people do a better job at waiting then I do.

I have applied for numerous jobs, with only 2 interviews and 0 callbacks. I find myself getting restless, irritated and frustrated. Everyone keeps telling me to "wait". Well, wait for what exactly? I am trying to find that happy medium of "actively waiting" which in all reality, I am still not to sure what that looks like. 

I know what has been put in my heart. I also know that my Heavenly Father knows everything about me as well. He knows my frustrations. He knows my emotions. He knows my desires and dreams and everything that I want to do. Because He has placed those in me.  But learning to wait, to trust and to rest has been a slow and not so steady process.

So here I am, waiting. Waiting for my next step and trying to learn how to wait and rest in my Father. 

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